2023-2024 HES Reading Plan

Per Section 3. IC 20-26-5-44.2: Not later than July 15, 2023, and not later than July 15 of each

year thereafter, each school corporation and charter school shall report on the school

corporation’s or charter school’s website the following:

1) The name and publisher of the adopted reading and writing curricular, listed by grade


a. Northwestern School Corporation’s adopted English Language Arts curriculum

K-6th grade:

● HMH into Reading

● Orton Gillingham-K-2

2) Information regarding remedial programs by school corporation, including the grade

level for each remedial program.

a. Title, Literacy Center, and Interventionist programs include:

i. Heggerty—K-2nd grades

ii. Wordly Wise 5-6 grades

iii. Recipe for Reading K-2

iv. IXL—K-6th grades

vi. Orton Gillingham—K-3rd grades

vii. Rewards-4-6th grades

viii. Making Connections-5th grade

b. Special Education

i. Orton Gillingham-K-3rd grades

3) Contact information of a designated administrative contact who can provide information

regarding the information.

a.Tiffany Myers, NES Principal


b. Jordan Nelson, HES Principal


c. 765-457-8101